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Where did my domain SRV records go ? April 2, 2008

Posted by daakeung in Microsoft.
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Came to work this morning, to find users were having gpo and user authenication problems with ISA and LOGON .

Checked if my primary DC was up, it was but when I check my events logged, I was greeted with this:



Arg…….I then double checked my other DC, and it had no problems, so this particular DC hosts my primary DNS as well.

Also AD replication failed

So DNS being the thing to break AD. I noticed, the SRV records were missing from DNS.

So instead of rebuilding the DC or Restoring a backup, I registered the srv records for my primary dc.

You can find the nltest.exe tool in the windows 2003 support tools

C:\>nltest.exe /DSREGDNS
Flags: 0
Connection Status = 0 0x0 NERR_Success
The command completed successfully

Doubled check it was created, and everything seems to be okay.